We offer multifuncional equipment based on high energy impact on raw materials and which can be used for wide range of applications.
We have a serious expertise in a field of energy efficient technologies and their implementation into the existing infrastructure or new one.

DEVA-S Multifunctional Cavitation System
The DEVA-S multifunctional system performs cavitation processing of liquids and suspensions in a static reactor.

DEWA-F for producing organo-mineral fertilizers
From Peat (turf) From Sapropel From Leonardite From Bird droppings or manure With NPK-additives or without ДЭВА-Ф.ПРО и МИНИ для получения органических и органо-минеральных удобрений

Static Reactor
Overview Static Reactor is specific unit which is designed for the high energy impact on oil-based and other liquids. It uses a cavitation for breaking

DEWA-OIL for proccessing oil-based products
DEWA-OIL for processing oil-based products Overview DEWA-OIL is a complex of equipment for improving oil and oil-based products. DEWA-OIL reduces cracking temperature, oil viscosity, pour

Wet Milling Machine, Gen.2
Hydroshock Wet Milling Machine (WMM) is a stand-alone milling machine for producing wide range of lussries: from coal, turf (peat) and other solid raw materials

Desalination unit
We are specifying a desalination plant for water with salinity up to 150 g/l The DEVA unit is a small-scale, evaporative system designed to produce