DEWA-OIL is a complex of equipment for improving oil and oil-based products. DEWA-OIL reduces cracking temperature, oil viscosity, pour point temperature, makes oil more homogeneous. Oil, processed in DEWA-OIL, has higher output of light fractions like benzin and diesel. Oil and oil-based fuels becoming uniform what improves combustion characteristics.
DEWA-OIL is effective for improving Heavy Fuels Oils (HFO), mazut, oil wastes, etc. Watered oil is becoming homogeneous (uniform). Major applications are:
- In oil-refineries – for increasing light oil fractions output, reducing consumption of catalysts, dissolving liquid and gazeous additives, etc.
- In combustion systems – for improving combustion characteristics, reducing sledging, etc.
- Special applications – dissolving liquid additives and gases in oil, micromilling of solid particles which may exist in oil, especially in heavy fuel oil, other applications.
Depending on oil characteristics DEWA-OIL may reduce oil viscosity up to 30%, reduces pour point from -6 deg C till -16 deg C, increases output of light fractions on 2…3% or more for different types of oil. Watered oil processed in DEWA-OIL becomes uniform and does not include “water lenes”, produced water-oil emulsion is stable for a long period.
DEWA-OIL includes Rotary-Impulse Apparatus (RIA) or static cavitation reactor, pump with control system for providing proper pressure, single frame, piping and valves, tank(s) for original and/or final product.
How it Works
Oil is pumped with a certain pressure into the RIA or Static Reactor which produces a myriads of bubbles (caverns). These caverns are collapsing immediately after they are produced. This process (cavitation) creates a local pressure inside a bubble up to hundreds bars and destructs long molecular chains. As the result all components (oil, water, additives, ..) are properly mixed in a form of stable emulsion.
Depending on type of cavitator (RIA or Static Reactor) processing requires single pass or multple passes through the complex. Working pressure for RIA is approximately 5…9 bars, working pressure for static reactor is 12…20 bars depending on oil type.
Available Configurations
DEWA-OIL is available in different modifications with capacity from 3 m3 per day (based on RIA-150M) till 1000 m3 per day (static reactor).

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